Monday, February 28, 2011

Gainfully Employed

I've said it before, and will no doubt say it again, but I apologize for the woeful lack of blog posts lately. I've started a new full time job & it involves a lot of (much appreciated) overtime. I worked 66 hours last week and this new week looks to be similar. This is excellent for the budget & family, but not so excellent for the artwork.

In the past few weeks, I've been working on a fairy tale series, based on the original Grimm Fairy Tales, not the Disney versions. I have completed four pieces thus far and have another on the easel. The first four went very smoothly, each one taking around 3-5 days from start to finish. The latest drawing, my take on "Beauty & the Beast", has been in progress for over a week already... like I said, much less time to draw nowadays.

I will blog about the new drawings over the next couple of days. They've gotten a lot of great attention over on Deviant Art and it makes me feel good to see each new "favorite" on my drawings.

I'm around... hoping to catch up my fellow bloggers as time permits this week. Thank you all for your support!

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