Saturday, June 18, 2011

In Our Hour of Need

I went in to work on Monday, June 13, and received the news that the company was having a layoff. Officially, I'm on a week-long layoff, but I called and spoke with a representative at the temp agency that I work through, and she said that they had gotten no notice that the company was going to be calling anyone back "for at least another week".

We are not in a financial position to get along without one paycheck, and we certainly cannot afford to go without more than one. I am paid weekly, and my monthly income barely covers our very basic bills, along with gas to get to/from work (and school, when school is in session) and groceries. We have very minimal bills, and do not spend money on any extras, and still things are always at the red line, budget-wise.

Heather and I sat down with our budget today, and after paying one bill and part of our rent, there was one dollar left for gas/groceries. She receives child support every two weeks, but it is always late and is not reliable. We are in a pinch, most definitely. I am applying everywhere that will accept my resume or application, just on the chance that my company does not call back, this week or ever, but that doesn't solve our immediate need for groceries and rent.

I am running a sale on art prints, starting today! You can find 10 of my most popular works of art, available for purchase as a 4 x 6", 5 x 7 " or 8 x 10" print. Prints are on high quality archive paper with a Lustre finish, which offers a perfect balance between Glossy and Matte and will last up to 200 years without fading. The colors achieved are very nearly as bright as the original artwork.

If you have visited my gallery and your favorite piece of my artwork is not listed on the sale page, send me an email at and I will honor the sale price on any piece of my artwork!

Please forward the prints sale page on to anyone and everyone that you think might be interested. Tweet it, facebook it... it will mean so much to me. My family and I thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your support!


  1. Oh dear! Sorry to hear about the layoff. I shared your sale on the FAEteam facebook page, hope it helps!

  2. Thank you... I really appreciate it! :)


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